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American Saddlebred Versatility Association Awards Dollie Hutchins with Mae Condon Award

The Mae Condon Award was established by the American Saddlebred Versatility Association Charter Club to honor our late co-founder Mae Condon for her lifelong commitment to promoting the use of these magnificent and athletic horses across disciplines.  This award is presented to the person or persons who exemplify this long-term commitment to promoting the versatility of the American Saddlebred and/or Half-Saddlebred.

This year’s winner, Dollie Hutchins of Sanford, Maine, is a more than 50-year member of the American Saddlebred Association of Maine (ASAM).  She began riding hunter-jumpers as a young teen in the 1960s. Her admiration of the beautiful 3-gaited Saddlebreds led her to purchase and show her first Saddlebreds. Her long-term partner was Honor and Glory; nicknamed “Handy Andy”.  During these years,  Hutchins showed Andy in the pleasure divisions and also participated in a few trail rides. When Hutchins retired from the show ring, she sponsored a young rider on her beloved Andy who obligingly learned equitation patterns.  Andy then became a full-time trail partner and versatility ambassador on the New Hampshire and Maine trails. In her years with ASAM, Hutchins was honored as an outstanding member, was inducted into their Saddlebred Horse Hall of Fame, and was honored by the Maine Horse Association.   She is an active member of the Sanford Trail Association Committee and helped make safety videos for Facebook. Dollie and Andy are featured on the newest city trail maps.

For her decades of dedication and service to the American Saddlebred, the American Saddlebred Versatility Association is honored to present the Mae Condon Award to Dollie Hutchins.

This award is presented in partnership with the American Saddlebred Versatility Association.