Please note, you will need to reset your password to access your account through our new website at this link: You will be able to reuse your existing password, but it must be reset.

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We are transitioning to the new website, so be aware that some functions may not work on the old site and will redirect you to the new site. It is important you setup your new username and password on our new site HERE.

Otherwise click here to continue to the old ASHBA website

ASHBA Announces Year End Award Program Updates

The American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association (ASHBA) is proud to announce that through the diligent work of leadership, committees, and staff have collectively aligned our year-end performance based award programs into one ASHBA High Point Program. The ASHBA Board voted unanimously at their June meeting to accept the recommendations put forward to pass this update the year-end awards program.  

The ASHBA High Point Program takes the American Saddlebred Registry Sport Horse and Half-Saddlebred Awards, American Saddlebred Pleasure Horse Awards, ASHA National and Regional High Points and streamlines them into one program. This update will start with our 2021 competition year.

“We look forward to this program consolidation to allow us to better recognize our members and their horses. With this update, members will immediately see an increase in divisions and consistency of American Saddlebred Sport Horse and Half Saddlebred recognitions,” said David Mount, ASHBA Executive Director.

 In addition, ASHBA will be working closely with our Charter Clubs to distribute our ASHBA Regional High Point Awards in partnership with their award ceremonies and year-end celebrations. ASHBA will be working with the Charter Club Council, Saddlebred Sport Horse, and Half Saddlebred committees to finalize the protocols for the 2021 competition year and will be providing continued updates to membership throughout this process.