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ASHBA Bill Wise Sweepstakes were a Big Win with $20,000 in Added Money at All American

Pictured: Melrose Madeline, 2021 Park Pleasure Champion (Osteen)

The 2021 ASHBA Bill Wise Three-Year-Old Sweepstakes held at the All American Horse Classic was a chance to WIN BIG. $20,000 in added money was distributed to every participant in the ASHBA Three-Year-Old Sweepstakes classes. This new incentive added by the host show came after program participants voted to keep AAHC as the host show for the Three-Year-Old division of the Sweepstakes.

Over $89,000 in prize money was distributed over the four divisions of the 2021 ASHBA Bill Wise Three-Year-Old Sweepstakes. The largest winner’s share was over $9,200 and every prizewinner taking home over $2,100. This year’s champions are:

Five-Gaited: Arrowhead’s Phenomenal (Rose Arbor Destiney X Roselane’s Kiss Me All Over), owned by Covered Bridge Farm and Melissa Moore, bred by Melinda Moore, ridden by Robert Gardiner

Three-Gaited: Miguel (Gomez X Memories Of Vegas), owned by Michelle Groomes, bred by Melissa Moore, ridden by Emma Caruso

Fine Harness: Fortnight (At Night X Bug Out), owned and bred by Blythewood Farms LLC, driven by Pedro Martinez

Park Pleasure: Melrose Madeline (A Rare Temper X Bi Mi Southern Rose) owned by Melrose LLC, bred by Deborah Butler, ridden by Steve Wheeler

Pictured: Fortnight, 2021 Fine Harness Champion (Osteen)

 “AAHC and friends of the Sweepstakes added $5,000 per division in all four three-year-old classes each year for a total of $20,000 per year over the next three years. We hope to build excitement for the breed and incentivize breeders and owners to keep supporting the American Saddlebred. The AAHC is thrilled and honored to be the decades-long home of the ASHBA Three-Year-Old Sweepstakes,” stated Dawn Kendrick, AAHC Show Manager.

For more information on ASHBA Prize Programs, contact Patricia Edwards at 859-259-3899 or