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ASHBA Board Spotlight Q & A with Chris Schubert

    Name: Chris Schubert Location: Knoxville, TN How did you get started with the American Saddlebred? My mom grew up in upstate New York where her family had standardbreds and she fostered a love for horses at a young age. When she moved to Tennessee and married my father, he bought her a horse that happened to be an American Saddlebred when I was around 4 years old. From there it became a shared passion that ultimately took us in to different areas of the industry including owning a breeding stallion and having a breeding facility. What is your involvement with the American Saddlebred currently? I continue to have Saddlebreds at home and currently have a 4 year old in training at Autumn Hills. Why are you passionate about serving on the ASHBA board? This is a great question and one I am very passionate about. Having grown up in the industry and shared the love of Saddlebreds with my mom and now my son, I believe I owe this breed, those who earn their income in the industry, and the people who love the American Saddlebred along side of me my time, effort, and energy to ensure its’ integrity for next generations. My horses and my horse friends have carried me through some pretty tough losses and as well given me some incredible experiences and wonderful memories that I will cherish always. I am dedicated to the betterment of our industry. What other industry boards &/or committees have you served before? Home builders Association board of directors where I chaired the first multi-site parade of homes, I raised money for their PAC, built habitat houses, chaired toys for tots. I served on committees inside the residential/commercial/development construction industry. Director at First National Bank and served on committees including the loan committee responsible for lending practices. What is your vision for bettering the breed through serving on the ASHBA board? Individually I hope that through my commitment and continued messaging of our mission and vision that our membership will continue to recognize and participate in the programs that leadership is bringing to the industry. As a board my hope is that our vision continues to focus on ways to sustain the Saddlebred industry on a global level through our many programs designed to support everything from breeding to sport horse to show horse. What committees/councils/initiatives at the ASHBA will be or are you serving on as board member? I am serving as the Treasurer, chair the finance committee, sit on the operations committee, Youth What are the top three challenges you believe the ASHBA Board should be working on? Breed growth Development of programs that have a global impact on our industry in a positive manner Creating an environment that provides our membership with the best and most enjoyable experiences. What is one thing most people don’t know about you that you’d like to share?  My favorite thing to do is to get up early and be at the barn just cleaning stalls, feeding, and doing anything that can put me close to my horses. It is my “zen time” where I get to push work stress out of my head and just hang. If my horses could talk they could tell some stories…..