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ASHBA Board Spotlight Q & A with Rick Curl

Learn more about one of the leaders at the American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association (ASHBA). Follow us each week as we share these Q & A's with each member of our board of directors! You'll learn their history with the breed and how they want to make a positive difference for the American Saddlebred.

Name – Miles "Rick" Curl

Location – Kansas City, Missouri

How did you get started with the American Saddlebred? Ann and I came to the American Saddlebred industry when we lived in Wichita, Kansas. Our daughters, Jessica and Ashley were just little tots then and started taking riding lessons at Van Windle Stables. Jessica was nine years old, and Ashley was just six. The first horse we bought was a quarter horse from there. Later we moved to Singletree Stables, where we discovered the American Saddlebred and Jill Neal was the owner/ trainer. Overall, horses just run in our blood. We have multi-generational equestrians on both sides of the family. My dad showed and bred Tennessee Walking Horses, and Ann’s father owned quarter horses and bred Angus cattle.

What is your involvement with the American Saddlebred currently? Right now we don’t have any horses. It is the first time in over 30 years we have been horseless. I’m certain Ann and Jessica will be back in the ring in the near future. One of these days I might get a cob tail pony. Right now, Ann is serving on the American Saddlebred Museum board and I am on the ASHBA Board of Directors.

Why are you passionate about serving on the ASHBA board? I have been involved in the Saddlebred community for over 30 years. It is a beautiful breed of horse. I think I bring a little experience and a few ideas to the industry.

What other industry boards &/or committees have you served before? I served on the Board of Directors of the American Royal for 10 years and I am currently a Governor in the American Royal. I was also president of Saddle Up, a local horse show club here in Kansas City.

What is your vision for bettering the breed through serving on the ASHBA board? I think if we can expand the reach of our breed to more people in all walks of life, we will maintain and grow the breed. That’s my objective, but it’s not an easy one.

What committees/councils/initiatives at the ASHBA will be or are you serving on as board member? I chair the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee and am open to help on committees where I’m needed.

What are the top three challenges you believe the ASHBA Board should be working on? 

1) Continue to expand the awareness of the breed to more people.

2) Find ways to make the sport more affordable to more people.

3) Make sure that people already active in the Saddlebred community have an enjoyable experience at all levels because they are our ambassadors. I learned during my career in corporate America that if you make one customer happy, they will tell one friend. If you make them unhappy, they will tell ten people.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you that you’d like to share? I love dogs, and I love to write. I have written a memoir and the first book of a mystery series ‘Josh Landry'. I have spoken at the Washington Press Club and I have written as a guest columnist for the Kansas City Star.