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ASHBA Annual Convention and Youth Conference Early Bird Registration Deadline Extended to January 15th

The American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association (ASHBA) is excited to announce the extension of the early bird registration deadline for the Annual Convention and Youth Conference. Registrants now have until January 15th to take advantage of the exclusive offers, which includes a $100 discount on all-inclusive convention registration packages.

Don't miss out on this limited-time offer to join us for three days of inspiration, education, and community at the beautiful Marriott Downtown for the ASHBA Annual Convention and Youth Conference from February 15- 17th.

This year’s Convention featured events include:

Welcome Reception at Angel's Envy Distillery: Thursday, February 15th

Kick off the ASHBA Convention with an exclusive event at Angel's Envy Distillery. Guests 21 and older can enjoy a private educational tasting experience of Angel’s Envy select bourbons. Limited edition ASHBA Angel's Envy bourbon bottles will be available for purchase during this exclusive welcome reception.

ASHBA Awards Gala & Live Auction: Friday, February 16th

The Awards dinner will honor ASHBA Lifetime Achievement winner and award-winning actor and horseman William Shatner at the beautiful Downtown Marriott ballroom.

Saddlebred Trail: Saturday, February 17th

Explore and view Saddlebred stars at Monnington Farm, Autumn Hills Farm, and Willowbank Farm. Busses will take guests through the beautiful hills of Kentucky, providing a unique opportunity to visit and explore each farm. Continental breakfast and box lunches will be provided for attendees.

Three-Gaited Legends of Saturday Night: February 17th at Kentucky Derby Museum

Back for the second year, the Legends Event is an affair celebrating the legends of the show ring. Guests will hear from all living Three-Gaited World's Grand Champion Winners at the iconic Kentucky Derby Museum.

Youth Conference Events:

Youth Group Tour - Muhammad Ali Center: Friday, February16th

 Youth attendees will head to the Muhammad Ali Center to learn about the athlete's history and how his core values relate to the show ring.

Youth Legends of Friday Night Reception: Friday, February16th at Kentucky Derby Museum

 The Youth Legends of Friday Night at the Kentucky Derby Museum is a star-studded event where youth attendees will hear from a panel of past Junior Exhibitor World’s Champions sharing their show world and Saddlebred stories.

Saddlebred Trail: Saturday, February 17th

Explore and view Saddlebred stars at Monnington Farm, Autumn Hills Farm, and Willowbank Farm. Busses will take guests through the beautiful hills of Kentucky, offering a unique opportunity to visit and explore each farm. Continental breakfast and box lunches will be provided for attendees.

Youth Awards Gala: Saturday, February 17th

To closeout the Youth Convention, attendees will celebrate the achievements of our talented youth on Saturday night with a Gala event in the Marriott Hotel Ballroom. Recipients of the Academy Medals, Youth Club, and Youth High Point winners will be honored and recognized at the Gala.

Register now to secure your spot and take advantage of the extended early bird registration deadline. Don't miss the chance to be part of this unforgettable experience at the ASHBA Annual Convention and Youth Conference.

Register Now!