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We are transitioning to the new website, so be aware that some functions may not work on the old site and will redirect you to the new site. It is important you setup your new username and password on our new site HERE.

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ASHBA Registry Sees Increase in 2021 Year-End Breed Statistics

In case you missed the Annual Members Meeting and in an effort to keep American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association (ASHBA) members aware of current trends in the Registry, we are pleased to present 2021 Year-End Statistics as follows:

New Horse Registrations

Registrations Completed: 1,286                                (4.2% increase)

(Horses whose registrations were finished in 2021)

Applications for Registration Received: 1,295          (5.2% increase)

(Applications for Registration received by the Registry in 2021)

American Saddlebred 10 Year Registration Trends


Transfers of Horse Ownership

 Transfers Completed: 2,882                                       (9.5% increase)

(Horses whose transfers of ownership were finished in 2021)

 Transfers Received: 2,779                                           (3.6% increase)

(Transfers of ownership received in the registry in 2021 and entered in the database)

American Saddlebred 10 Year Transfers Completed Trends



In summary, there is a 4.2% increase in registrations completed in 2021 compared to 2020 and a 5.2% increase in applications for registration received.  There is a 9.5% increase in transfers completed in 2021 compared to 2020 and a 3.6% increase in transfers received. It is special to note that 2021 yielded the highest number of transfers completed in five years.

View full video of the 2022 ASHBA Annual Membership Meeting

We are also pleased to report that we have significantly reduced the turn-around time on processing of routine registry transactions and implemented a tracking system to monitor and track progress on outstanding incomplete transactions. 

Registry forms can be found here  

Please feel free to contact relevant staff with any questions:

Registrations and Stallion Service Reports: or 859-259-3883 Transfers, Affidavits and Name Changes: or 859-259-3895 DNA and Half Saddlebreds: or 859-259-3885