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Horses at the Heart of Mental Health: For Your Entertainment and Terri Dacruz

May is Mental Health Awareness Month and is a perfect time to reflect on how our horses help make our lives better. Regardless of how you enjoy the Saddlebred, we all love their engaging personalities, kindness, and inquisitive nature that have a way of making anyone smile. This Saddlebred Strong series is a way to share not only the love we have for our American Saddlebreds, but also spotlight the ways they help us cope, succeed, and better enjoy the life we live in and out of the barn. 

This is the Saddlebred Strong Story of Terri Dacruz and For Your Entertainment, a bay American Saddlebred gelding that has been a rich reward for a long and hard-fought journey to find joy in life and #asbdreams.

I started this beautiful high-stepping ride two years ago. When I stepped foot onto the B&W ground, I knew I was home. The small petite woman that greeted me with a smile had no clue she was about to begin one hell of a ride, and unknowingly, so was I. That was the first most beautiful May 2 day God could have blessed me with. 

Mrs. Webster put me on a cute school horse and we walked to the indoor arena. My heart leaped, but so did my stomach! As I mounted and adjusted my seat, I had informed her I had shown the beautiful American Saddlebred when I was 10 years old. Only 40 years ago! Piece of cake! A 1/4 away around the arena she said come here and jump down you need something else. Well, fantastic I just blew it. She put that sweet horse up and out walked a beautiful, regal bay gelding that took my breath away. He was the male version of my childhood Saddlebred mare, Sassy Senorita. I saddled him, feeling the excitement grow as we walked back to the arena. When we trotted, it felt as if we danced carefully not to step on each one’s toes. As we cantered, the dance became a beautiful graceful waltz. I think I just found my new partner. 

You see, I had given my life up to the dark world of depression, suicidal attempts, and thoughts that use to drive me to the depths of alcoholism, I thought I would eventually drown. Years of spousal abuse from a previous marriage had left me broken enough to function and fake living a life of regrets and small triumphs. Beautiful children were born and raised and a loving husband God had sent to me hung around through some of my worst times. January 1, 2017, God gave me my sobriety. I struggled for two years learning how to be human again. To be honest with others and myself. Learning to function clearly and grow in strength took me to a transitional landmark.

I needed horses back in my life and on May 2, 2019, I found the Barn that would breathe life into me I had long forgotten. B&W Stables. That beautiful Bay is my main partner now. Bravo, we call him, For Your Entertainment, is what pleasantly sounds from the announcer booth for our blessed victory pass. This horse. This trainer. My husband. My family. My God. They all cheer and lift me up from beside the rail. 

 How can life get any better? Not sure, but I’ll tell you when I see you at the next show!

If you have a Saddlebred Strong story you would like to share for a chance to be featured send an email to our Marketing and Communications Jessica Cushing today!