Important News on Mask & Show Office Protocols from WCHS Management
The Commonwealth of Kentucky announced that facial coverings are required to enter all state government buildings. Masks will be required indoors at the World’s Championship Horse Show but will not be required in outdoor areas.
Those mounted on a horse, riding in a horse-drawn carriage or cart, or during in-hand classes are not required to wear masks when competing in the arena, but will need to wear facial coverings any other time they’re inside the building.
Please continue to follow us here or visit our website for the most up-to-date info on this policy
In addition, the WCHS Horse Show Office will once again be utilizing appointment times. Please use the link below to schedule appointments for check in, check out or any other times you need to be seen in the office.
WCHS Horse Show Office Appointment Request Form
We look forward to seeing everyone August 21-28!