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We are transitioning to the new website, so be aware that some functions may not work on the old site and will redirect you to the new site. It is important you setup your new username and password on our new site HERE.

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Important Reminders for American Saddlebreds with World’s Champion or CH Titles

Every American Saddlebred that earns a title at the World’s Championship Horse Show or earns that much sought after “CH” Champion Status from our Association are the moments of all of our #asbdreams. Yet, it is important to remember that these prestigious titles have different roles and functions in an American Saddlebred’s record and recognition by horse show management and our database systems.

Titles from the World’s Championship Horse Show (WC, WCC, WGC, RWC, RWCC, RWGC) are not to be included into the horse’s registered names when entering them for a horse show or searching for them on our website. Even in the calendar year of when the horse earns the title, you should enter them for competitions only by the way their name reads on their registration papers. In addition to this competition entries protocol the Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show also has published a full clarification on the correct way to use Titles for Horses Winning at the Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show.

CH titles while a part of a horse’s registered name once approved are not valid in our database searches. Therefore if you are looking for a CH status horse use only the original part of their registered name when searching for them in the “Horse Search” function of  

Horse that earn Champion Status (CH, CH-EQ, CH-SH) will have CH before their name’s in our records and on their registration papers. Any titles earned by a horse at the World’s Championship Horse Show will be added behind their name in parenthesis viewable on our website.