Please note, you will need to reset your password to access your account through our new website at this link: You will be able to reuse your existing password, but it must be reset.

The American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association Logo
KSF News Hub

You are now entering the old ASHBA website which will allow you to access your data using your original username and password.

We are transitioning to the new website, so be aware that some functions may not work on the old site and will redirect you to the new site. It is important you setup your new username and password on our new site HERE.

Otherwise click here to continue to the old ASHBA website

Last Week to Register 2021 WCHS First Timers

This is the last week to register for the First Time Exhibitor, Trainer, &/or Breeder recognition program at the 2021 World's Championship Horse Show. First timers from all breeds must be pre-registered with ASHBA to receive a commemorative First Timer ribbon and be registered by Monday, August 9 @ 5 PM ET. The ribbon and celebration ceremony will be held Tuesday, August 24 @ 5:00 pm in center ring of Freedom Hall. The 2021 WCHS first time participant program is made possible by Independent Equine Agents. 

Sign up HERE by August 9 @ 5pm ET

We will be sending confirmation emails to all registered 2021 WCHS first timers on Tuesday, August 10. If you have registered prior to the deadline and do not receive an email on August 10, please email Jessica Cushing at 

The Kentucky State Fair World’s Championship Horse Show, along with the American Saddlebred Horse & Breeders Association (ASHBA) are proud to continue the First Time Exhibitor presentation that was created in 2012 as a way to honor and recognize those making their first trip to the green shavings in Louisville. We are excited to have our recognition ceremony be returning to a much more normal experience to help commemorate this momentous moment in your Saddlebred story!

First timers also don’t miss out on your chance to be featured The ASHBA, whose mission centers on promoting the American Saddlebred, is excited to have our first-time competitors share their passion about the breed. We would love to hear your unique Saddlebred Stories and learn about the paths that brought you here, to Freedom Hall. If you are interested in participating please see the questions below and submit your responses and either a You can submit responses via the online registration form or email the responses, pictures &/or video to, and contact her at 859-259-3887 with any questions. Please submit your responses by August 13th! We look forward to hearing your love for the American Saddlebred and learn more about how you have gotten to this exciting time in your #asbdreams journey! 2020 WCHS First Timer Feature Pages-Available Here