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Support the Saddlebred at this Weekend’s University of Kentucky Saddle Seat Team Show

The University of Kentucky (UK) Saddle Seat Team is inviting you to join them for their first team competition of the 2021-2022 season this weekend at Wingswept Farm in Nicholasville, Kentucky! The competition begins at 2:00 PM ET and will feature 13 riders from UK and others from the University of Louisville, Midway and Georgetown College. Last year UK was the Reserve National Champion ISSRA team and are looking forward to having a strong kick off to this season! UK Saddle Seat is always accepting more sponsors for shows and team programs. Learn more about how you can support the program and donation benefits below.

The UK team and every member of the Intercollegiate Saddle Seat Riding Association (ISSRA) is an integral part in keeping youth connected to the American Saddlebred and promoting the breed. Students who are dedicated to both their education and the equestrian sport are all welcome to join. The team currently boasts 26 members and is always accepting new members. No experience is necessary to join a ISSRA Saddle Seat Team and everyone is welcome. By joining the team, students can continue to improve their riding and show skills while also pursuing a degree. We hope to continue this opportunity for UK students for many years with your help. 

Donations to the team are vital to support the members and keep the team running. The team accepts financial, apparel, &/or riding tack and equipment. With many of students not having the financial means while in college to afford lessons, shows, and equipment to compete all contributions that allow the team to offset these expenses for members are greatly appreciated. All contributions are tax deductible through the University of Kentucky and will be recognized by the team and educational institutions and programs. The team will advertise the donor at their events as well. Please keep us in consideration as we are a smaller division of the equestrian sport, but no less important.

The UK Saddle Seat team competes in competitions under the ISSRA. You can visit the ISSRA website and learn more about how this association helps promote the saddle seat discipline and provide a team environment to riders in college.

The team is incredibly grateful to coaches Stephanie Sedlacko Brannan and Alyssa Schuster and the entire Wingswept family for their continued support of the team show and the program. 

Please contact us for more information on how to support the UK Saddle Seat Team and future ISSRA Team Shows.

Phone: 714-721-3286, Emily Brown, UK Saddle Seat Team President


Facebook Messenger: UK Saddle Seat Team

Instagram: UK_SaddleSeat