Please note, you will need to reset your password to access your account through our new website at this link: You will be able to reuse your existing password, but it must be reset.

The American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association Logo
KSF News Hub

You are now entering the old ASHBA website which will allow you to access your data using your original username and password.

We are transitioning to the new website, so be aware that some functions may not work on the old site and will redirect you to the new site. It is important you setup your new username and password on our new site HERE.

Otherwise click here to continue to the old ASHBA website

UPHA/American Royal Entry Deadline: October 15

UPHA is gearing up for the 2021 UPHA/American Royal National Championship Horse Show. Don't forget the entry deadline is October 15th. Late entries will be accepted, with a late fee per entry, through October 30th if space allows.Enter early to guarantee your space at the National Championship Horse Show.

Click hereĀ for the prize list and to download forms.