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What Matters? Planting Matters.

A farmer works that land and works his animals for future gain. There is an unshaken belief that doing the “right” things now will result and a positive future “yield.” They are always preparing, planting, tending, hoping; in a world where circumstances are variable and beyond control. Weather is beyond control. World and local markets for goods are beyond control. So, what do they do? They do the things they can control.

Much in this time is beyond our control. But, so too, much is in our control as well. As we look to the future, to the next season of this time, what will we reap?

    If we breed now, in one year we will see many new American Saddlebred foals. We can tell from contracts and anecdotal reports that there is a lot of breeding going on now. Big breeders; small breeders; first time breeders; hobby breeders and professional breeders. We will bring the babies into this world. And the future will endure. As lesson programs begin to open up again, let’s take lessons again. Let’s use the gains made in using technology and social media during the pandemic to market lesson programs again. It is the lesson students of now who become the serious equestrians of the future. There may be no activity that is more compatible with social distancing than riding and driving the horse. Shows are starting to look like they’re going to happen soon. Show organizers have been extremely resourceful in finding new venues and new dates. The ASHA has taken the lead with the Joint Leadership Council by issuing guidelines for reopening barns and staging competitions in this new world. These shows will be new and different and unfamiliar in some ways. But it will also still be about the horse—the American Saddlebred—certain in this time of great uncertainty.

The American mathematics professor, John Allen Paulos, said, “Uncertainty is the only certainty there is, and knowing how to live with insecurity is the only security.”

Professor Paulos is probably correct in that we all have to get used to living in uncertainty, but one thing is certain—one reaps what one sows. Today, let us all sow for the future and believe in a prolific harvest for the years to come.

What Matters? Planting Well for the Future Matters.