What Matters? Your Thoughts Matter.
It was a great celebration of the American Saddlebred breed two weeks ago at the World Championship Horse Show at the Kentucky State Fair in Louisville. And now that we’ve had a little time to reflect on the week, the American Saddlebred Horse Association would like to thank our partners at the Kentucky State Fair who worked long and hard to put on this show. Now, we’d like to get your thoughts on the WCHS and a few other topics.The ASHA will send out by email a short survey regarding your experiences with the WCHS (in person, online, as an exhibitor, owner, trainer, etc.) to all of its adult members on Thursday, September 5. We’re also interested in your thoughts regarding the state of the industry and the opportunities/issues facing it. If you do not receive this survey in your inbox on Thursday, September 5 and you are a senior member of the ASHA, please contact the office at j.cushing@asha.net. Answers will be due by Thursday, September 19. When we compile all of the answers, we’ll publish them out for your information. Thank you for your input.