Please note, you will need to reset your password to access your account through our new website at this link: You will be able to reuse your existing password, but it must be reset.

The American Saddlebred Horse and Breeders Association Logo
KSF News Hub

You are now entering the old ASHBA website which will allow you to access your data using your original username and password.

We are transitioning to the new website, so be aware that some functions may not work on the old site and will redirect you to the new site. It is important you setup your new username and password on our new site HERE.

Otherwise click here to continue to the old ASHBA website

CH and CH-EQ Points Search

Please note: Only 3 points at a single show will be allowed and only 3 points won in "In Hand" classes will count toward the total of 15 points required to earn CH status. 

In addition, only 3 points won at ASHBA Star Shows will count toward the total of 15 points required to earn CH status.

While we make every effort to avoid mistakes, we assume no liability to anyone for errors. Significant errors should be called to our attention by email, to; once the information is checked/verified, corrections will be made in the normal course of business. Competition records prior to 1990 may be incomplete.

A Foundation Champion achieved its CH Status prior to the implementation of the Saddlebred Record Program in the mid-1980's and prior to computerization of competition results. Thus, actual point totals for these horses may be incomplete (less than 15).