Excused Absence Request Letter Available for ASHA Junior Members
Is your child competing in any American Saddlebred Horse Association (ASHA) recorded competitions during the school year? Don’t forget the ASHA has prepared, and will make available to parents of Junior Exhibitors competing at any ASHA recorded horse shows, a letter requesting that your child be legally excused from school to compete. All excused absence request must be made on behalf of a current ASHA Junior Competing member and at a horse show that is being recorded by the ASHA. We will need to know what show the Junior Exhibitor will be attending, the Junior Exhibitor's name, their ASHA membership #, the name of to whom the letter will go to (Principal, guidance counselor, etc.), and the mailing address of the school. Any parent or guardian in need of a letter for your child, please contact ASHA Senior Programs Manager, Brenda Newell, b.newell@asha.net or 859-259-3886. If you have any questions please contact ASHA Special Programs Manager, Alexandra Harper, a.harper@asha.net or at 859-259-3880.